EPRD Summer Camp Open House & Registration
Website: http://www.EvergreenRecreation.com
Location: Wulf Recreation Center, 5300 S. Olive Road, Evergreen, CO
Evergreen Park & Recreation District (EPRD) offers a huge array of day camp opportunities for children from pre-school through age 15. Parents are invited to attend a Summer Camp Open House and registration on Sat., March 2, 2013, at Wulf Recreation Center from 9 AM – 1PM to ask questions and register their children for a variety of camps, including adventure, special needs, sports, Lego, gymnastics, dance, sailing and many more. Learn more at 720-880-1226 or khinkson@eprd.co.
Tags: children, EPRD, EPRD Summer Camp Open House & Registration, Evergreen, Evergreen Colorado Kids Camp, Evergreen Park & Recreation District, kis, pre-K, school age, sports, summer, summer camp, Summer Camps for Kids in Colorado, Summper Camp in Evergreen Colorado