TTTS Awareness Walk for the Babies
Date: Sunday 10AM July 29, 2012
Location: Walk starts at Cleveland Downtown Marriott at Key Center, Cleveland, Ohio
Meet Slider from the Cleveland Indians and other characters as we walk passed the Cleveland Browns Stadium, The Great Lakes Science Center and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to the Voinovich Park and back. Lots of balloons and fun to increase awareness to twin to twin transfusion syndrome, a placental disorder that affects mothers pregnant with triplets and twins. Lots of Family Fun for a great cause to help save the lives of babies!!
Tags: Cleveland Awareness Walk, Cleveland Indians Events for Kids, Cleveland Indians Sponsored Events, Cleveland Ohios Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation, Cleveland Twin Clubs, Cleveland Twins Foudation Walk, Kids Events OH, Kids Events with the Cleveland Indians, Kids Foundation OH, OH Kids Events Walk, TTTS Awareness Walk for the Babies
Posted in Ohio Kids Events in July |